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XVI. Mednarodni kolokvij o umetnosti v rimskih provincah
XVI. Mednarodni kolokvij o umetnosti v rimskih provincah ~ XVI. International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art
Predstavili bomo:
- naše Herkulovo svetišče in posebno skupino svetišč, ki jo je definirala dr. Maja Jerala in se imenuje »noriška skupina rimsko-keltskih templjev s portikom«
- aplikacijo Virtuuvuis – Virtualni Vitruvij, ki nam omogoča enostavno rekonstrukcijo rimskih templjev po Vitruvijevih priporočilih (De architectura decem libri)
Presentation subjects:
- Temple of Hercules in Celje, Slovenia and a special group of Roman temples defined by Maja jerala, Ph.D. which is called »Noric group of Romano-Celtic temples (with portico)«
- application Virtuuvuis – Virtual Vitruvius, which is used to simplify reconstruction of Roman temples by utilizing Vitruvius’ recommendations (De architectura decem libri)
Naslov in vsebina predstavitve ~ Title and contents of presentation
Noric group of Romano-Celtic temples & Virtuuvius – Virtual Vitruvius
“While studying Temple of Hercules in Celje, Slovenia, a comparison with other similar sanctuary complexes revealed that the temple can be included in a unique group. This group includes only a handful of sanctuary complexes in Roman provinces Noricum and Raetia and in addition to architectural similarities, they also have in common a suburban context, location on an elevated plateau and combination of Roman and local elements. Therefore we refer to this group as “Noric group of Romano-Celtic temples (with portico)” and together with mixed temple types and classicized Gallo-Roman temples represent the architectural mixing of Roman and local elements. Contrary to popular belief it can be observed that Roman provinces did not just assimilate Roman influence and Hellenistic patterns but that they also developed their own architectural style.
To make studying of Roman temples and their architecture easier they should be reconstructed if possible. To what degree the reconstruction is reliable depends on how much of the studied temple is preserved. A transcription of “De architectura” by notable Roman architect Vitruvius (1st century BCE) can help us with reconstruction, as in the books Vitruvius defines the basic module and proportions of architectural elements of temples to the smallest of details. For proper analysis, interpretation, and reconstruction it is necessary to take precise measurements of remaining elements so that the Vitruvian canon can be used. To make such analysis simpler and faster, an application Virtuuvius (Virtuuvius – Virtual Vitruvius) was developed for Microsoft Windows. It enables us to determine and analyze temple and it’s parts based on precise measurements of remaining architectural elements and can automatically output individual elements or the whole temple as 3D drawing in AutoCAD, that can later be used in 3D animation rendering software with amazing results, as seen in a movie clip of Temple of Hercules 3D reconstruction.”
Maja Jerala, Ph.D.
Aleš Hotko